Applicants must meet the following criteria:Eligibility for Grades 6-12 1. Students must have documented academic success in prior courses aligned to grade-level standards. Academic success is measured by satisfactory performance in core courses (2.5 academic core grade point average or higher). Middle school applicants must have earned grades of C or higher in all core academic subjects. English Language Arts, Math, Science, and Social Studies courses are core subject areas. Student progress toward grade-level promotion and timely high school graduation is a condition of enrollment and a continuous expectation after enrollment. Exceptions may be made for students whose academic progress has been impeded by a chronic illness or a medical emergency documented by a medical professional. 2. Students must meet the following criteria on standardized assessments:
3. Students must be working on grade-level standards. 4. Students must reside locally. A student's primary residence is defined as where he/she spends the majority of his/her time (per SBBC policy 5.1). 5. Students with Individual Education Plans (IEP) are eligible to enroll in our full-time program. However, all applicants must meet admissions criteria. IEP documents must be current and will be evaluated to determine the appropriateness of the virtual education option relative to the student's educational needs. Parents/guardians are part of the IEP review process. 6. Per Florida Department of Education guidelines, district virtual schools are choice options and are not required to modify or change the instructional programs in which the integrity of the programs would be compromised. 7. New and returning full-time BVS students must participate in an orientation session with a parent or guardian before initiating courses. 8. Parents of registered home-educated students must present a current student portfolio with clear evidence of work samples and a log of educational activities that can be used to establish grade-level placement. A current evaluation must be on file with the Broward County Public Schools Home Education Department. Please call 754-321-3860 for further information about home education requirements. 9. Parents/guardians may appeal admission decisions if extenuating circumstances apply by contacting BVS administration at 754-321-6050. Eligibility for Grades K-5 1. Students must have demonstrated academic success in the previous school year (grades of C or better in all courses). 2. Students must be working on grade-level standards. 3. Students entering grades 1-5 must score level 3 on the Florida Assessment of Student Thinking (specifically, Progress Monitoring 3 assessments) in reading and math. 4. Students and parents/guardians must be Broward County residents. 5. Parents of registered home-educated students must present a current student portfolio with clear evidence of work samples and a log of educational activities that can be used to establish grade-level placement. A current evaluation must be on file with the Broward County Public Schools Home Education Department. Please call 754-321-3860 for further information about home education requirements. 6. Students with Individual Education Plans (IEP) are eligible to enroll in our full-time program. However, all applicants must meet admissions criteria. IEP documents must be current and will be evaluated to determine the appropriateness of the virtual education option relative to the student's educational needs. Parents/guardians are part of the IEP review process. 7. Per Florida Department of Education guidelines, district virtual schools are choice options and are not required to modify or change the instructional programs in which the integrity of the programs would be compromised. 8. Parents must apply for enrollment by July 12, 2024. If you are unsure which option is the best for you, please call 754-321-6050. We're happy to help you make the right decision for your child. Submitting an application does not guarantee enrollment at Broward Virtual School. Students must meet our admissions criteria to enroll. |