Broward Virtual Part-Time RegistrationRegistration is always open for part-time students. Enrollment is subject to course availability. If Broward Virtual School courses are full, students may also choose Florida Virtual School. Broward Virtual School is a franchise partner of Florida Virtual School, therefore the courses are exactly the same. Criteria for Enrollment:In order to take courses as a part-time student at Broward Virtual School or Florida Virtual School you must meet the following criteria: 1. Presently enrolled in a public or private school or a registered home education student. For information pertaining to home education guidelines, please visit the BCPS Home Education Department's website. 2. Reside in Broward County. 3. Have daily access to a computer with a reliable Internet connection. 4. Have an active virtual school account. Click here to create a virtual school account. Broward Virtual School and Florida Virtual School offer part-time enrollment to home-educated students but are not responsible for promoting students to the next grade level. Parents/guardians of home-educated students are required to submit an annual evaluation by a certified teacher to the District's Home School Department. Home-educated students are not required to participate in state assessments and are not awarded a high school diploma upon completion of coursework.