How do I enroll full-time in Broward Virtual School?
Enrollment in our full-time program takes place before the first and second semesters of the school year (for students in grades 6-12). Students/parents should complete the prospective full-time student application online during the application window. Applications must be completed in full. Once an application is received by a school counselor, we will make contact with the student/parent via email.
How do I enroll part-time in Broward Virtual School?
Students in grades 6-12 who attend a traditional school and want to take additional courses online may do so. Course requests must be approved by the student's counselor and parent / guardian. Home educated students are also considered part-time students. Students who already have an account with Florida Virtual School must use their existing account to register for BVS courses. Students without existing FLVS/BVS accounts may create one at Virtual School Administrator.
Is Broward Virtual School accredited?
Yes. Along with all Broward County Public Schools, BVS is fully accredited by AdvancED.
Broward Virtual School is also registered with the Florida State Department of Education and a part of the Broward County Public School system. Our accredited online high school diploma and all credits earned at BVS are accepted by other 6-12 schools, colleges, universities, the military and employers.
Can I use a diploma from Broward Virtual School to enroll into college, join the military or gain employment?
Yes. Broward Virtual School has a solid reputation within the academic community. BVS offers a standard high school diploma that meets state and school board requirements. Our graduates seamlessly move on to post-secondary education, employment, or enlist in the military. BVS graduates attend major colleges and universities throughout the country.
Is BVS available to everyone?
BVS is a public school serving grades K-12. If you meet BVS admission requirements and have determined that online learning is suitable for your needs, you are encouraged to apply for enrollment. BVS thrives on diversity and feels our diverse student body is what sets us apart from other traditional high schools. We offer a well-rounded learning experience designed to prepare students for a successful future.
How does attendance work at BVS?
BVS offers a true distance learning experience that does not require seat time in a traditional classroom. Periodically, standardized testing and academic interventions require students to attend face-to-face activities. Teachers may exercise the option of having students take face-to face proctored assignments and exams to ensure fidelity. Students are expected to actively participate in all courses on a weekly basis in order to maintain educational integrity. Students are considered truant if there is no participation in the online courses for more than one week without prior approval and will be reported as truant to the proper authorities.
How do I know if online learning right for me?
A successful online learner is a motivated self-starter and is committed to the success of his or her education. While BVS offers world-class educational opportunities, there is a high degree of accountability placed upon the student. BVS is not an alternative school or drop out prevention program.
Can I attend BVS on a full or part-time basis?
It is our goal to provide students with whatever level of service they require. We can offer a full curriculum for grades 6-12; or just one or two courses to satisfy public school graduation requirements; or supplement your home school curriculum.
Is there a cost to enroll?
As a public school, enrollment at BVS is free to Broward County residents.
Who teaches the online courses at BVS?
All online high school courses and programs are taught by highly qualified Broward County Public School instructors that meet Florida Department of Education certification requirements.
You can be sure that quality in education is our highest priority.
What if the student has questions or problems while taking a course?
Students are assigned an instructor for each course. Instructors are available daily via web conference, email, or telephone. Support services are available to all Broward Virtual School students through our guidance department.
What is the difference between BVS and traditional brick-and-mortar high schools?
There is no difference in the curriculum between BVS and traditional high schools. There is a significant difference in the flexibility offered to all BVS students in the way they can earn their courses/ credits online.
Is BVS less challenging than other traditional accredited high schools?
No. As an accredited school, BVS offers a flexible alternative for students. It is not an easier option than traditional accredited high schools. All courses are written at or above grade level and require an average of one to two hours of focused study on a daily basis to complete one course within the traditional semester time frame. Our courses engage students in real-life projects, requiring the use of critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and the ability to apply the knowledge they have acquired.
As a parent, will I be kept informed of my students' progress?
Yes. As a parent, you will likely receive more updates and information about your student's progress than ever before. We strongly feel that a parent's involvement in a child's education is the key to success. Our teachers are in frequent communication with parents. You can always see how your child is performing by logging in to the VSA parents' section of our website.