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Writing / Math Seminar-Oct 25
Oh Snap! Don't forget to attend the next writing and math seminar on October 25 from 9:30 AM to noon. Students in grades 6-10 are encouraged to attend. Come collaborate with your teachers and classmates! |
Virtual College Week
Florida Shines is offering a series of free Webinars for Virtual College Week, October 24-26, 2017. These webinars were designed for school counselors, parents, students, educators and anyone interested in helping students to navigate the pre-college process. Webinar presenters include representatives from Career and Technical Education; the State University System; Florida College System; and, K-12 educators. For further information and to register please visit the web link below: https://www.floridashines.org/go-to-college/participate-in-virtual-college-week-and-night |
Annual BVS Meet & Greet - Oct 4
Full-time BVS students and parents are invited to the annual Meet and Greet on October 4th (6:30 PM to 8 PM). The event is intended to give you the opportunity to meet and chat with your teachers in person. Your teachers are looking forward to seeing you! Check your VSA e-mail for details. This event is for students in 6th through 12th grade only. |
Writing and Math Seminars Begin!
BVS full-time students... mark your calendars! The first writing and math seminar of the new school year will be Wednesday, September 27th (9:30 AM to noon). You don't want to miss this great opportunity to collaborate with your teachers and classmates. See you soon! |
BVS earns an "A" grade...AGAIN!
The Florida Department of Education released school grades for the 2016-2017 school year on June 28. Broward Virtual School earned an "A" rating... the highest grade awarded by the FDOE. When compared to all public virtual schools in Florida, BVS earned the most points (805). Points are awarded based on student achievement levels, learning gains, curriculum acceleration, and graduation rates. Many thanks to all BVS stakeholders... teachers, support staff, students, and parents. Our success is the result of a team effort! |
Congratulations BVS Class of 2017!
Broward Virtual School's Class of 2017 graduated on June 2 at Dillard Center for Performing Arts. They've got big and bold plans for their future. We're so proud of them! |
BVS Senior Nelson James Honored with Silver Knight Award
Congratulations to Nelson James (Class of 2017) for winning the honorable mention award in the Digital Media category at the 2017 Silver Knight Award Ceremony. In addition to this prestigious recognition, Nelson was awarded $500 by the Knight Foundation. We are so proud of this young man! |
BVS Head of the Class 2017!
Congratulations to the BVS seniors recognized for this year's "Head of the Class." Our class of 2017 is impressive! |
Call to Action!
You're encouraged to join the Broward Teachers Union, Broward County Public Schools, and the Broward County Council of PTA/PTSA for a collaborative town hall meeting on the future of public education in Florida. Please see the attached flyer for details. When: Thursday, June 1 at 6:30 PM Where: Plantation High School Auditorium |
Updates on Proposed Legislation for Public Education
The 2017 legislative session is well underway in Tallahassee. To stay informed about proposed laws and policies that may affect your child's education, please visit this site: |
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