The Broward County School district is offering a free SAT test (without writing) to all 11th grade students. It is mandatory and this test will benefit students in several ways.
Free SAT (Mandatory for all 11th Grade)
The Broward County School district is offering a free SAT test (without writing) to all 11th grade students. It is mandatory and this test will benefit students in several ways:
1. Save money: No fee the district has paid for the test.
2. Send scores for free: Four colleges free
3. Use the scores for diploma requirements: SAT Reading scores (430 Reading) can be used as concordant score for FSA ELA/Writing if a student didn't pass it already.
4. Save weekend family time: No Saturday testing. The test is on a Wednesday.
Absent students will have their courses suspended.
Here's what you need to do:
1. Come in to complete the registration questionnaire.
When: Wednesday, March 1st @ 12:00pm (It takes about 45 minutes to complete so be on time)
Who: 11th Grade students
Where: BVS @ CCHS Upstairs media
Materials: Picture Identification
2. Prepare for the SAT test utilizing various sources
b. Have a library card and sign up for free SAT test prep.
d. Use the results of your PSAT test to review and enhance your skills
3. Look for your SAT Admission Ticket in the mail. Required to be admitted to the test but also provides a unique registration number with which students can access registration online to select colleges and scholarship programs to receive their score reports for free. Score reports can be sent up until nine days after the test. After that, the score report fee will be charged.
4. Be present for testing.
When: Wednesday, April 5, 2017 @ 8:30am-1:00pm
Who: 11th Grade Students who pre-registered
Where: BVS @ CCHS upstairs media
Materials: SAT Admission Ticket, Picture Identification, Sweater, two #2 pencils, Snacks, and acceptable calculator (list can be found at
5. Review your scores and determine if you need to test again next year to meet college entrance or scholarship requirements. (Scores return in late May, early June)